New Eddie Playthrough!

No words, just music. The very talented RJ Ronquillo demonstrates the vast possibilities that this pedal offers. Check his amazing channel for this playthrough and other videos as

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A year in the making I am honored to announce that after a year of developing, a new pedal that is finally ready! I have worked closely with

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CHAINSAW – Metalstortion

A high-powered dirtmaker! The 80s is the new…Idk…now?Here is our first actual distortion pedal. This original schematic is inspired by the 80s metal bands that we all love.

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Morgenmuffel Fuzz – Fuzzstortion

A high-powered dirtmaker! There is a new kid on the block. This original circuit offers a variety of tones from mild overdrive to a full-pleged fuzz.The controls include

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Messiah Guitars at Maťo Mišík’s Guitar Armory is live!

My pedals are put through the test. I visited Maťo Mišík’s Guitar Armory, and we put six of my pedals through the test. The episode can be found

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